After a year of change and growth, the management team at MMIC decided on a theme for their annual report: “We’re listening.” They hired Carolyn to bring the message to life.
MMIC (part of Constellation Mutual) provides medical professional liability insurance, along with webinars, data analytics, and action plans designed to help healthcare clients minimize risks and improve patient safety practices.
Since MMIC’s customers are in healthcare, Carolyn proposed supporting the “we’re listening” message with technical medical information about hearing. Photos were accompanied with facts such as:
– The human ear is capable of responding to the widest range of stimuli of any of the senses.
– The ear’s malleus, incus, and stapes (known as the hammer, anvil, and stirrup) are the smallest bones in the body.
– Ears not only help you hear, but aid in balance.
– The ear takes in many sounds at one time. The brain sorts and prioritizes the auditory signals in orderly patterns so you can understand what you are hearing. Listening is not the same as hearing. Hearing is taking the sound in; listening is paying attention to what is going on.
Click to see another annual report Carolyn designed.
“Outstanding report. I love the graphics and theme. Really well done.”